

Det ursprungliga priset var: kr 7.809.Det nuvarande priset är: kr 6.691.

The Blinder HP 905 Dual laser jammer offers comprehensive laser warning / jamming for all countries in Europe and comes with 2 laser sensors for standard car size


Blinder proudly released the model Blinder HP 905 compact laser jamming system. The new sensors are very small and are powered by extremely powerful laser diodes. The new sensors fit easily into the tightest spaces of the car’s front and make the mounting and integration into the car very easy. The new sensors are more powerful than all models launched before incorporating both high power LEDs and high power laser diodes in one small sensor. The new HP905 features a variable audio volume control and a new real voice alert that identify the type of laser gun or laser speed camera that is aiming at your vehicle. The alarm tones are now easier to indentify in a noisy vehicle interior.

The Blinder HP 905 compact can operate in 3 modes: Parking assist mode, Receiver mode (laser detection only with alert but no active jamming) and Defense mode (active jamming mode responding to received laser signals). The remote switch selector allows you to switch between these operating modes. The software of the Blinder HP 905 compact can be updated. Using a computer and the supplied USB cable, the CPU software can be updated to be prepared against new lasers being introduced to measure your speed in future. Updates are for free and can be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website. Standard setup is 2 sensors. If you are running a large SUV or you want to protect your car from behind as well, you may purchase the Quad sensor version of the Blinder HP905 operating with 4 sensors.

The laser Blinder HP 905 makes speed measurements with the help of a laser beam impossible. Correspondingly vehicles with mounted Blinder  can not be speed-measured. A laser equipment sends out for the purpose of a speed measurement an infrared beam in intervals which is reflected by the targeted vehicle. Now the exact speed of the vehicle is calculated by the recognition of these reflections on the separately sent out rays. These calculations are based on the unambiguous allocation of the bright reflections. If additional bright impulses should appear, however, in the targeted aim in the same frequency range, no unambiguous allocation of the reflected rays and therefore no calculation of the speed can take place.

The laser misery of Blinder HP 905 emits invisible multifrequent infrared light for the eye. Now after hitting of a laser beam on the vehicle front are reflected near the real bright reflection a multiplicity of other bright impulses in direction laser pistol, so that there no measurement can take place. Both emitters are fastened inconspicuously to the front part of the vehicle. Because two emitters are used, is guarded the entire vehicle front, also the bigger vehicles. The outside mirrors are included correspondingly by the emitted bright frequency, too. The Blinder sends out the bright frequency at the operation of the vehicle meaningfully continuously, because emitting the frequency as a reaction to a received laser signal could already be too late.

Radar measurements are not seized! In addition the parallel installation of e.g. a hidden radar detector offers the protection from radar measurements. An assembly in the framework place is recommended. All treaty system elements can be installed in your vehicle by your garage within a short time.


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