
Valentine One – Europe

(1 kundrecension)

Det ursprungliga priset var: kr 8.158.Det nuvarande priset är: kr 7.691.


Valentine One radar detector – V1 is one of the most famous radar detector and offers mobile radar and laser warning with the greatest range for use against speed cameras and traps also in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and rest of Europe.


Valentine One radar detector – The V1 is one of the most famous radar detector and offers mobile radar and laser warning with the greatest range for use against speed cameras also in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The Valentine One by Valentine Research helps against speeding tickets from mobile speed cameras, speed cameras and lasers.

Valentine One benefits

  • Ultimate high-end radar detector with laser warning for Europe-wide use
  • many expansion options
  • Reference radar warning device for many years
  • Multiple repeated test winner of past years
  • maximum range (up to 1000 m under ideal conditions)
  • Great radar performance throughout Europe
  • Front and back radar and laser antenna
  • Brilliant sound output
  • valuable metal housing
  • Direction indication of the received signals by means of LED arrows
  • Self-test function at startup
  • LED graph (displays the frequency band and signal strength)
  • City / highway filter mode (reduces the interference due to false alarms)
  • Volume control
  • Complete accessories for mounting on the windshield (suction cups)
  • Locating safe – not electronically detectable!
  • Connection: easy on the cigarette lighter and mounting on the windshield (12 V)

Valentine One Disadvantages – Current Rating in Radar Detector comparison 2019:

  • Settings are not intuitive (nothing works without instructions)
  • no matrix & text display
  • No GPS on board
  • no POI radar detector database function
  • insufficient protection for permanently installed flashes
  • no speech output
  • no adequate MRCD / CT multaradar detection
  • relatively large in today’s comparison
  • Updates only possible via Valentine Research USA

Our Current Radar Detector Recommendations specifically for Germany and Austria and Europe

  • NAVTY P1 Premium Edition (NAVTY P1R Firmware) – incl. GPS and better 3D Radar and Multaradar (MRCD / MRCT / GATSO) antenna
  • Genevo One M – incl. GPS and Multaradar Detection (MRCD / MRCT / GATSO)
  • Both radar detectors alternatives offer easier operation via text menu and voice output in English as well as excellent multaradar recognition.


Want more informations about radar and detectors? See also our all about radar site and our Radar detectors FAQ

1 recension av Valentine One – Europe

  1. Tyska

    Radar Shop Team

    V1 ist wohl das älteste heute noch verfügbare jedoch technisch grundsolides Radarwarngerät. Und es wird liebevoll von Valentine Research aus USA gepflegt. Jedoch ist sowohl das aus heutiger Sicht dürftige Bedienkonzept ohne Display oder Stimme und nur mittels Anleitung – geschweige einem deutschem Menü – möglich. Fehlendes GPS oder Update Möglichkeit (Updates nur über Valentine USA möglich) sind weitere Kritikpunkte. Einzig bei Laser schlägt das Gerät sehr gut Alarm (soweit bei Lasermessungen überhaupt möglich – siehe unser Technikguide). Jedoch trübt den guten Eindruck wegen häufiger Fehlalarme auch bei Sonnenstrahlung oder anderer Umstände, sodaß auch Laser nahezu unbrauchbar häufiger anschlägt.

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