

(3 kundrecensioner)

Det ursprungliga priset var: kr 34.912.Det nuvarande priset är: kr 33.238.


• External radar detector with front and GPS antenna: detects radar, laser and fixed speed cameras!
• The radar detector can be adjusted individually and flexibly to country conditions around the world easily for desired frequencies in seconds!
• Best remote for the detection of ”Instant-On”and Ka police radar with up to 1 km detection range!
• Package includes Antilaser Priority Dual and ESO shield Dual (ESOGUARD PRO)
• By Express programming can select up to 10 selected features
• 100% invisible to any police detectors!
• Legal Mode: This in countries in which the operation of radar detectors is not allowed to be found a functioning device, may push of a button, the radar warning functions are quickly erased and reactivated via USB

Option rear Laser

(Extra sensors for rear installation)



Our high end radar detector solution package for Europe offers maximum performance with integrated GPS and almost complete protection against radar and laser speed cameras and much more.

Through GPS-based warnings, the radar warning and laser warning functions are complemented ideally. As speed camera and traffic light camera detector that warns of all fixed measuring speed cameras. These include, for example Redflex, ATS, Nestor, Laser Craft, Gatso, Redspeed, Traffipax, Truvelo, SPECS average speed cameras, Watchman, Speedcurb and many more. The transit time measurement, ”Section Control” (eg Austria) can be recognized in this way. Avoid any sanction, in addition, the overall traffic safety increased. Solve all the problems now and get 100% reliable protection through the professional radar detector. This way you have a secure and also discreet way to be warned before the fixed cameras throughout Europe without placing a device to the windshield or dashboard.


• External detector with front and GPS antenna: detects radar, laser and fixed speed cameras!
• The radar detector can be adjusted individually and flexibly to country conditions around the world easily for desired frequencies in seconds!
• Best remote for the detection of ”Instant-On”and Ka police radar with up to 1 km detection range!
• Package includes Antilaser Priority Dual and Esoshield Dual (ESOGUARD)
• By Express programming can select up to 10 selected features
• 100% invisible to any police detectors!
• Legal Mode: This in countries in which the operation of radar detectors is not allowed to be found a functioning device, may push of a button, the radar warning functions are quickly erased and reactivated via USB

You are unsure how a custom-installed radar detector will look like? Check out our demonstration videos!

If interested the assembling work can also be undertaken in Heidelberg in a workshop by a professional car mechanic, well experienced in assembling these devices; the timings are very flexible and discreet (normally Friday afternoon or weekends). The assembling work takes normally about 5-6 hours, but it may be longer in the case of exotic car models. Naturally, the mechanic will first discuss with you personally about various possibilities of assembling so that you have a clear idea of how the solution will finally look like.

Our workshop is located in Heidelberg and you could make use of the time for sight-seeing. Many customers find this quite convenient. Difficulties may only arise in rare cases if, for example, the vehicle’s front area has less space for the Genevo, or disassembling of auto body components alone would take several hours requiring special tools.


  1. Tyska


    Derzeit das optimale All inklusive Paket das im Fahrzeug nicht stört aber vollen Schutz bietet.

  2. Franska


    Meilleure amélioration. Le Pack remplace le Beltronics STI-R que j’avais depuis des années. Le manuel pourrait être plus clair. À part cela, il m’a déjà fait économiser deux billets lors de mon voyage d’Amsterdam à Paris. Il est très sensible, c’est bien. Il rejette à peu près tous les radars de proximité des autres voitures. Dans l’ensemble, je dois dire que je n’achèterais aucun autre détecteur de radars, seulement celui-ci.

  3. Engelska


    Best upgrade. The Professional Pack is replacing Beltronics STI-R that I have had for years. The manual could be clearer. Other than that it has saved me two tickets already on my trip from Amsterdam to Paris. It is very sensitive, that’s good. It pretty much rejects the other cars proximity radars. Overall I would have to say I wouldn’t own any other radar detector, only this one.

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