Cable set for Escort Radar Detectors

kr 275

Replacement cable with integrated power status LED and USB 2.1A charging port

compatible with:

  • Escort X 8500 (X50),
  • Escort 9500iX
  • Escort Redline
  • Escort Redline EX
  • Escort EX 360
  • Escort EX 360C
  • Escort MAX
  • Escort MAX2


Replacement cable – 12V RJ11 straight cord with integrated power status LED and additional 2.1A USB charging port. For all RJ11 Escort radar detectors and connection to the cars cigarette lighter. (Compatible for Escort X 8500 (X50), 9500iX, Redline, Redline EX, EX 360, EX 360C, MAX, MAX2)


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